Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pure Christianity

Wow - two blogs in two days...sheer insanity. One of these days, I'll figure out how to put videos and other cool stuff in my blogs. I'll be one dangerous man at that point. But for now, I figure not too many folks read this, so I don't have to say anything spectacular. Just blog, baby.

Went and saw my good friend, Ron Strode, today in the hospital. Been through more physical problems in the last 7 years than anyone I've known. Keeps fighting through and keeps trusting God. More than once, Ron would have been absolutely fine with seeing Heaven. It's folks like him that make me realize what's important....where the "rubber meets the road".

I always feel at ease when I see someone in the hospital. Felt like I've done something real important. Not that everything in ministry isn't important. But I understand the scripture in James 1:27 where it is mentions that pure Christianity is loving and caring for those who need it most. That's probably why I feel a "contentment" coming out of a's pure Christianity flowing through one's veins. Your focus is totally on another person for a few hours. And you know God's gotta love that.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Biblical Giving

Haven't blogged for awhile. Keep forgetting about it even though I have it in my web "favorites"! Here's what's been on my brain for the last few weeks.....HHC is moving along very well in every area. Our Sunday experiences are as effective as ever. Our focus on the community is at it's peak. Unchurched people are coming consistently along with our veteran Christians. There is only one area that has been a challenge for us this year - giving. The economy's a bit stinky and there is a fear of spending which unfortunately translates to a fear of giving. I'm sure churches all over are affected, but I stand in great confidence of God providing for HHC. As a Senior Pastor it is my responsibility to promote Biblical giving, and I plan to do this on Sunday over the next couple of weeks. Biblical giving flat out works. Dana and I have been practicing it for the last 18 years and it does work. But many Christians don't understand the simplicity of God's way of giving. Dana and I didn't understand until we heard a message on it when we were 22 years old.

Churches are at a point where unless folks Biblically give, the means to keep a church floating will be tough. I actually look forward to cheerleading these messages on Biblical giving. I have been guilty of tip-toeing about speaking on this issue because of the stereotypes that come with churches and money. I don't feel that way anymore - it's too important. To God, to us, and to our churches. We had an offering a couple weeks ago that was about half of what we needed for our weekly expenditures. That caught my attention big time.

Something tweaked in my stomach that it was time to address the giving issue full blast. Biblical giving is not about money, it's about the heart and trusting God. So I'm going to talk about people's hearts and trusting God - that's a lot easier to me than talking straight money or "getting our offerings up". The economy may be tough, but God's principles are tougher.