Monday, December 28, 2009


Here comes another decade. That's how we humans keep track of time. Don't suppose God keeps a calendar. Reckon He can keep track of the unfolding of time and events in His head. On the other hand, I have become dependent on my stomach drops out when I don't see it lying around. I can't remember what I'm doing 2 hours ahead unless I write it down. I've missed appointments even though they were written down in my planner. How's that for administrative skills?

Speaking of the next 10 years, the upcoming decade will have what other decades have had....a few breakthroughs in technology, a few a few pop culture hits in music and movies, a few major events that will shake us all. We will have some awesome times on one end of the scale and deal with unexpected tragedies on the other. We will feel the passion of life and the stress of it. Everyone will get older, but not necessarily wiser. There will be babies added to families. Family patriarchs and matriarchs will pass into eternity. I'm just trying to squeeze as much juice out of the orange God has given me. I'm not worried about the 2010s....God is already there. And I've put my lot in with His. Maybe I don't need a calender after all.

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