Friday, December 18, 2009

One-Hit Wonders

I have been recently running across some random one-hit wonders from the 1980s (by the way I'm writing in a green marker because it's Christmastime and all). Now I'm wondering if Christmastime is one word or two. Anyway...hearing some of these one hit wonders has brought that nostalgic feeling back all over again (or am I defining deja vu?). Now I'm wondering if deva vu is one word or two. Definitely French though. Anyway (again), I am posting a few of those 1980s one hit wonders on my blog to see if you growing-up-in-the-80s people will recognize any of them. I've never tried to put a link on my blog, so I hope it works. Oh cool, I decided to change my text to the other Christmas color smack in the middle of this whole blog thing. Must be totally feeling the Christmas spirit.

By the way, I know this isn't a deeply spiritual blog this time around, but blogging is about a variety of life experiences, so I suppose I don't feel guilty for ramping up the subject of 80s music. So without any further adieu (there's those French people messing with our language, (again).....OK I just now looked back on my blog and realized I use parenthesis as liberally as I use toilet paper. Sorry about that - back to the show. Without any further adieu I present to you seven of my favorite one-hit wonders from the 1980s... Haven't heard this one since college until I heard it on the radio the other day. Didn't realize the song was "enviromental" which may be appropriate because going "Green" during Christmas might be cool. I loved this song when it was out. Check out that hair and clothing...did I look like that? As you see, I obviously and bent toward the British pop side of the 80s. This song reminds me of when I went on Spring Break my senior year in high school (weighed about 50 lbs less then)...this song was all over the beach. Another British group...these videos seem pretty generic by today's stuff. Great song. This guy looks like he wants to hurt somebody, though. How could one of the biggest songs of the 8os have a banjo in it? But everyone know this song! Gotta be biased with the name of the group. One of my favorite one-hitters, but might not be as remembered as others. Gotta like the lead singer's moves. One of the bigger songs of the 80s as well....very recognizable.

Honorable mention: She blinded me with Science....Funkytown

Not-honorable mentions: "Hey Mickey your so fine" (Flat-out irritating)...99 Luft Balloons (weird song)..."She's a maniac, maniac" (I am too after listening to that for 30 seconds)

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