Monday, November 22, 2010

Digital Coolness

Man, with Facebook, Twitter tweeting, texting, and all the other stuff out there, I wonder if anybody reads the 'ol website blog anymore. Haven't written in a bizillion months, but I have made a vow - this ends today!

I have two very s-l-o-w computers in my home. I also have one wife (which is good) and two kids. If you do the math, that's one computer for every two persons in the household. It's not working. My family is constantly on the computer. And it takes 12 times longer on our computers because typically 5 minutes elapse going from one website to another...and this is crazy because we have hi-speed cable (it would take overnight if we were still on dial-up).

Someone mentioned to me the slothfullness of our digitial electronics ( might be because it is over 5 years old. That theory doesn't stand, because I have a car that is eleven years old and I can still drive the same speed as when I bought it new. Besides, it's easier to blame the incapability of our computer on the cable's funner too.

Once I came out of denial that the problem could actually be on OUR end, I decided to get going like everyone else and jump into the 22nd century. So I bought.....a laptop computer. Man, I'm happening now. Until someone told me laptops have been around for like 20 years. So much for being hip and cool. Guess I have to get one of those iphones...or ipads...or inotebooks...or ibooks, or iBibles, or itoilets or whatever else "i" can think of. THEN I'll be digitally cool. At least for a few months. OK...I'm signing off. Have to go finish my new cool game I got on my new cool Playstation 2 system.

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