Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Choose to Ride

Feeling focused and sincere to start 2011. More of a quiet confidence that this year will be unique. How the year will unfold, I don't know. I'll let God surprise me. Especially feeling something special in the air at HHC. Do I smell momentum? Yes. Do I know what God is up to? No. Whatever the Awesome Almighty is up to, as the pastor, I just don't want to screw it up. I sense God saying to me, "Steer and guide this bus I'm sending, but stay clear enough that you don't get run over."

Went boogie boarding with the kids on our last two trips to the beach. Most of the adventure is spent looking for a wave to ride. More like looking for the wave. But you have to look about 100 yards beyond where you are out in the ocean. You gradually learn the art of seeing a swell in the water...and then discerning that by the time that wave gets to you, it will be cresting.
You leap forward with your board, and if you position yourself just right, you sail. Will take you all the way to the shore. And there's a smile on your face the whole time.

When the Holy Spirit makes a special delivery, it's like a surfing wave...all you can do is position yourself to RIDE the wave, but you cannot CREATE the wave. I'm sure at times, I have completely missed the momentum God has sent. Probably wasn't even in the water. And the waves are out there...always waves to ride in the vast ocean of God's desire to show Himself. When we were boogey boarding, we had a few times we didn't see the wave coming. Uh oh. The wave didn't stop because we weren't looking...the power of it flipped and tossed us like a rag doll.

You either ride or flip. I choose to ride. The smile lasts longer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris! I noticed you said something about people not reading blogs, but here goes. I just wanted to say that God is doing some AWSOME things, I don't know what exactly but I can just feel it in my spirit. It is so exciting to think that every year we say God is going to blow the top of this thing every year, and he does, but it seems that every year he does it is even more fantastic, amazing, and jaw dropping every time. All this to say, Hoosier Harvest is going to explode, from the inside out. I thank you as my pastor, and I thank all the staff and the congregation for being such a supporting and caring family and friends. Can't wait to get the new year really rolling.

    God Bless!
    Steven Miller
