Monday, December 28, 2009


Here comes another decade. That's how we humans keep track of time. Don't suppose God keeps a calendar. Reckon He can keep track of the unfolding of time and events in His head. On the other hand, I have become dependent on my stomach drops out when I don't see it lying around. I can't remember what I'm doing 2 hours ahead unless I write it down. I've missed appointments even though they were written down in my planner. How's that for administrative skills?

Speaking of the next 10 years, the upcoming decade will have what other decades have had....a few breakthroughs in technology, a few a few pop culture hits in music and movies, a few major events that will shake us all. We will have some awesome times on one end of the scale and deal with unexpected tragedies on the other. We will feel the passion of life and the stress of it. Everyone will get older, but not necessarily wiser. There will be babies added to families. Family patriarchs and matriarchs will pass into eternity. I'm just trying to squeeze as much juice out of the orange God has given me. I'm not worried about the 2010s....God is already there. And I've put my lot in with His. Maybe I don't need a calender after all.

Friday, December 18, 2009

One-Hit Wonders

I have been recently running across some random one-hit wonders from the 1980s (by the way I'm writing in a green marker because it's Christmastime and all). Now I'm wondering if Christmastime is one word or two. Anyway...hearing some of these one hit wonders has brought that nostalgic feeling back all over again (or am I defining deja vu?). Now I'm wondering if deva vu is one word or two. Definitely French though. Anyway (again), I am posting a few of those 1980s one hit wonders on my blog to see if you growing-up-in-the-80s people will recognize any of them. I've never tried to put a link on my blog, so I hope it works. Oh cool, I decided to change my text to the other Christmas color smack in the middle of this whole blog thing. Must be totally feeling the Christmas spirit.

By the way, I know this isn't a deeply spiritual blog this time around, but blogging is about a variety of life experiences, so I suppose I don't feel guilty for ramping up the subject of 80s music. So without any further adieu (there's those French people messing with our language, (again).....OK I just now looked back on my blog and realized I use parenthesis as liberally as I use toilet paper. Sorry about that - back to the show. Without any further adieu I present to you seven of my favorite one-hit wonders from the 1980s... Haven't heard this one since college until I heard it on the radio the other day. Didn't realize the song was "enviromental" which may be appropriate because going "Green" during Christmas might be cool. I loved this song when it was out. Check out that hair and clothing...did I look like that? As you see, I obviously and bent toward the British pop side of the 80s. This song reminds me of when I went on Spring Break my senior year in high school (weighed about 50 lbs less then)...this song was all over the beach. Another British group...these videos seem pretty generic by today's stuff. Great song. This guy looks like he wants to hurt somebody, though. How could one of the biggest songs of the 8os have a banjo in it? But everyone know this song! Gotta be biased with the name of the group. One of my favorite one-hitters, but might not be as remembered as others. Gotta like the lead singer's moves. One of the bigger songs of the 80s as well....very recognizable.

Honorable mention: She blinded me with Science....Funkytown

Not-honorable mentions: "Hey Mickey your so fine" (Flat-out irritating)...99 Luft Balloons (weird song)..."She's a maniac, maniac" (I am too after listening to that for 30 seconds)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Very Random Thoughts

DVR is one of the greatest inventions of the past 300 years.

Time definitely flies by faster the older you get.

Forgot how great (and challenging) it is to have a puppy (do all puppies eat more wood and rug material than dog food?).

Being the pastor of a church like HHC is still one, fun gig.

I wish my time management was 10x more efficient.

Skin rashes really reek.

People are still the most interesting thing on the planet - good, bad, and ugly.

I'm always happy when eating out.

Having kids is, well, (see comment on puppy above) - but well worth it.

I am becoming more in tune with unchurched people than I ever thought I could.

Living in Martinsville is very rewarding despite what some people say.

I hope I-69 comes through soon (oooo - hot button topic).

Couldn't have a better staff and elders at HHC - great job, gang.

Dana and I have a strong marriage, but man, are we different.

The new Christian radio station called Air One (90.5) is pretty cool.

Fall is awesome.

I wish people didn't get sick (but they do).

I am done blogging now.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Something Different Sunday

September 27 was a real marker for HHC. We've never had a Sunday morning like it. We came to church at 10am, had some worship, took our offering....all routine stuff for a Sunday. But what we did next was not church as usual. It was church unusual.

After offering we left the building....literally. No sermon. Our sermon wasn't going to be a message, but instead a message in action. We divided up into several teams and went out and cleaned....and mowed....and swept.....and weed-eated (is that a word?)...and pick up trash. All on a Sunday morning. Not just coming to church on Sunday morning, but being the church on Sunday morning. Went to 3 different locations around Martinsville and did something very practical for our community. One of the most spiritual things we have ever done...and it wasn't with a Bible or songbook in our hand....but a trash bag, rake, and weed-eater in our hand.

If someone were to ask me what the purpose of our Community Day was, the correct answer would be to "bless our town". And while that was certainly one of the reasons, it was just as important to me that HHC was able to practice doing something outside the box. To give people a chance to experience what it feels like to serve with no strings attached. And one of the coolest parts of the whole day was doing this together. The comaraderie from hanging out was easily one of the highlights of the whole experience. In some cases, people were laughing and laboring side by side with folks they have not had a chance to meet before. Let's just say they know each other now. As a pastor, that's fun to watch...and it was a real "win" for the God, the community, and HHC. It's kinda nice when everybody wins.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Financial Snap

OK...something is going on here. It culminated at our Sunday morning experience on August 2. Let me go back and set the table. HHC has been moving along and succeeding in almost every area of late. Despite this, HHC has been leaking financially for the last couple of years. Combo of several things. But we began to really leak this summer. Had a rock bottom offering about 3 weeks ago. Something "snapped" in me and I haven't been the same since.

You would think a rock bottom offering would snap a pastor in two. But instead it snapped me to attention. God wasn't wanting to correct the congregation in their giving habits, He was correcting me for not properly teaching folks how to biblically give and tithe. I admit over the years, I had become a chicken when it came to the area of bibilical stewardship. Wanted to avoid the stereotypes that came with churches and money. The Holy Spirit tapped me on the shoulder and wisely let me know that if I didn't teach biblical giving (tithing in particular), it was the same as not teaching biblical marriage, biblical morals, biblical (fill in the blank). Ouch.

So Sunday August 2, was the landmark day. Not only did I feel compelled to let the church know of our financial leak, but stated that the principle of biblical tithing was the only avenue in which our church could patch the leak and not sink completely. Somewhere in the middle of the message, I cried. Didn't mean to. Always challenges the man pride, you know. But the passion of seeing HHC succeed and thrive simply burst out. Then the amazing thing happened....

People began to come up during the message and put their finances on the platform. That really messed me up messed us all up. Hard to finish a sermon under those conditions. It put a renewed energy, and renewed confidence, and a renewed focus, and a renewed boldness in me I haven't felt.....ever. I still am riding it as I write this. After church was over, you could stir the unity with a stick. This was a back row to front row unity. This was a "the ship's not going down on our watch" type of unity. Apparently, everyone had "snapped".

Crazy thing is this......I was giving a message on tithing in the middle of our generation's worst economic recession....and a revival swept over us. Only God. Not only that, but spiritually, people were experiencing a supernatural release from fear and complacency. I'm still hearing about it. The launch has been made. Now it's up to us to complete the mission.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pure Christianity

Wow - two blogs in two days...sheer insanity. One of these days, I'll figure out how to put videos and other cool stuff in my blogs. I'll be one dangerous man at that point. But for now, I figure not too many folks read this, so I don't have to say anything spectacular. Just blog, baby.

Went and saw my good friend, Ron Strode, today in the hospital. Been through more physical problems in the last 7 years than anyone I've known. Keeps fighting through and keeps trusting God. More than once, Ron would have been absolutely fine with seeing Heaven. It's folks like him that make me realize what's important....where the "rubber meets the road".

I always feel at ease when I see someone in the hospital. Felt like I've done something real important. Not that everything in ministry isn't important. But I understand the scripture in James 1:27 where it is mentions that pure Christianity is loving and caring for those who need it most. That's probably why I feel a "contentment" coming out of a's pure Christianity flowing through one's veins. Your focus is totally on another person for a few hours. And you know God's gotta love that.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Biblical Giving

Haven't blogged for awhile. Keep forgetting about it even though I have it in my web "favorites"! Here's what's been on my brain for the last few weeks.....HHC is moving along very well in every area. Our Sunday experiences are as effective as ever. Our focus on the community is at it's peak. Unchurched people are coming consistently along with our veteran Christians. There is only one area that has been a challenge for us this year - giving. The economy's a bit stinky and there is a fear of spending which unfortunately translates to a fear of giving. I'm sure churches all over are affected, but I stand in great confidence of God providing for HHC. As a Senior Pastor it is my responsibility to promote Biblical giving, and I plan to do this on Sunday over the next couple of weeks. Biblical giving flat out works. Dana and I have been practicing it for the last 18 years and it does work. But many Christians don't understand the simplicity of God's way of giving. Dana and I didn't understand until we heard a message on it when we were 22 years old.

Churches are at a point where unless folks Biblically give, the means to keep a church floating will be tough. I actually look forward to cheerleading these messages on Biblical giving. I have been guilty of tip-toeing about speaking on this issue because of the stereotypes that come with churches and money. I don't feel that way anymore - it's too important. To God, to us, and to our churches. We had an offering a couple weeks ago that was about half of what we needed for our weekly expenditures. That caught my attention big time.

Something tweaked in my stomach that it was time to address the giving issue full blast. Biblical giving is not about money, it's about the heart and trusting God. So I'm going to talk about people's hearts and trusting God - that's a lot easier to me than talking straight money or "getting our offerings up". The economy may be tough, but God's principles are tougher.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Return of the Blog

nhoj tterrab, ruo tneduts seirtsinim rotsap, sah enod a taerg boj no ruo wen etisbew, dna eh tes em pu htiw a wen golb etis os m'i gnittup nwod gnihtemos tsuj ot evah gnihtemos nwod no ym golb! i evah tey ot refsnart ym dlo sgolb ot siht wen etis, os siht si ti rof won. i ma a edud ohw sevol ot kaerb eht sutats uoq, os i ma gnitirw ym tsrif golb sdrawkcab. emos fo uoy lliw erugif ti tuo...srehto lliw ton dna kniht I ma gnitirw in naikavolsohcezc. fI uoy erugif tuo i ma gnitirw sdrawkcab, liame em ta ym hcruhc liame sserdda (hcihw nac eb dnuof no siht etisbew rednu "ffats") dna i lliw tsop ruoy eman ni siht golb sa eno trams edud ro ettedud.

Stan Piercefield...Bridget Lowry...Jim Schuld...Sheryl Hymer...Penny Hughes